Anderton Boat Lift & Lion Salt Works is a fantastic trip that we do.

Anderton Boat Lift

The Boat Lift is located near the village of Anderton, Cheshire. It is a two caisson lift lock that provides a 50ft vertical link between two navigable waterways; the River Weaver & the Trent and Mersey canal.  The structure is a designated national monument and is included in the National Heritage List for England.

Built in 1875, the boat lift was used for 100 years until in 1993 it was closed due to corrosion. It was restored in 2001 and reopened in 2002.

It is a stunning structure and you will get to experience it’s workings by taking a boat that will take you up and down on the lift. You will get to see how the mechanism operates and be wowed by it functioning. You have to bear in mind that this was built over 140 years ago.

After the 40 minute ride, you will have time to take in the visitor centre that will detail further information about this incredible lift. Take in at your leisure the centre and afterwards you can have lunch at their cafe which offers a wide range of meals.

After lunch we will board the coach and drive to the famous Lion Salt Works.

Lion Salt Works

The Lion Salt Works is the last remaining open salt works located in Marston, Cheshire. It is now preserved as a museum.

When exploring the site and its restored buildings, you will discover how the salt works operated and the impact of salt on mid-Cheshire’s people, economy and landscape. A visit will also set the scene for a wider exploration of the footpaths, waterways and attractions of the adjacent Northwich Woodlands (a 350 hectare area of vibrant and accessible parkland) and the wider Weaver Valley

This is a truly fascinating insight into the production of Salt back in early 19 century.

If you have any questions regarding this trip please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – 0161 327 2495 or